Dia 8s roughly inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio,' though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape.
Breves notas de tecnología. Recomendaciones de compra de equipos y accesorios. Software y otros temas relacionados.
viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016
Cómo armar una bicicleta eléctrica económica
Armar bicicleta eléctrica
Es posible construir fácilmente una bicicleta eléctrica al utilizar una bicicleta existente y añadirle cinco partes: 1) un motor, 2) un enlace desde el motor hacia las ruedas o pedales, 3) baterías, 4) un acelerador y 5) un controlador de motor (el cerebro que regula cuánta energía de la batería enviar al motor en base a la posición del acelerador). Comprar partes que funcionen en conjunto es la parte más difícil. Aquí te presentamos la solución más económica, la cual consiste en una bicicleta eléctrica con un eje pedalier impulsado y sin piñón libre.
Es posible construir fácilmente una bicicleta eléctrica al utilizar una bicicleta existente y añadirle cinco partes: 1) un motor, 2) un enlace desde el motor hacia las ruedas o pedales, 3) baterías, 4) un acelerador y 5) un controlador de motor (el cerebro que regula cuánta energía de la batería enviar al motor en base a la posición del acelerador). Comprar partes que funcionen en conjunto es la parte más difícil. Aquí te presentamos la solución más económica, la cual consiste en una bicicleta eléctrica con un eje pedalier impulsado y sin piñón libre.
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016
Teen Discovers Lost Maya City Using Ancient Star Maps
Teen Discovers Lost Maya City Using Ancient Star Maps [Updated]
George Dvorsky
Tuesday 10:55amFiled to: Archaeology
Teen Discovers Lost Maya City Using Ancient Star Maps [Updated]
Google Earth and satellite photos appear to reveal the site of a pyramid cloaked in foliage. Using an unprecedented technique of matching stars to the locations of temples on Earth, a 15-year-old Canadian student says he’s discovered a forgotten Maya city in Mexico. Images from space suggest he may actually be onto something—but experts say it’s something much simpler.
Address : <http://gizmodo.com/teen-discovers-lost-maya-city-using-ancient-star-maps-1775735999>
George Dvorsky
Tuesday 10:55amFiled to: Archaeology
Teen Discovers Lost Maya City Using Ancient Star Maps [Updated]
Google Earth and satellite photos appear to reveal the site of a pyramid cloaked in foliage. Using an unprecedented technique of matching stars to the locations of temples on Earth, a 15-year-old Canadian student says he’s discovered a forgotten Maya city in Mexico. Images from space suggest he may actually be onto something—but experts say it’s something much simpler.
Address : <http://gizmodo.com/teen-discovers-lost-maya-city-using-ancient-star-maps-1775735999>
Start doing data science in minutes
As a data scientist, you don't want to waste your time installing software. Our goal is to provide a virtual environment that will enable you to start doing data science in a matter of minutes.
Address : <http://datasciencetoolbox.org/>
As a data scientist, you don't want to waste your time installing software. Our goal is to provide a virtual environment that will enable you to start doing data science in a matter of minutes.
Address : <http://datasciencetoolbox.org/>
Las 25 Bibliotecas más sorprendentes
Check out 25 breathtaking libraries from all around the world
By Thom Dunn
"Libraries Transform"
You might be wondering why something as ubiquitous as a library would need more attention, considering the fact they've been pretty major staples of civilization since at least 2600 B.C. But that's because you live in a time and place where information resources are readily available, so it's easy to take them for granted. And of course, the only reason we have books and knowledge and guidance right there at our fingertips is — you guessed it — libraries.
By Thom Dunn
"Libraries Transform"
You might be wondering why something as ubiquitous as a library would need more attention, considering the fact they've been pretty major staples of civilization since at least 2600 B.C. But that's because you live in a time and place where information resources are readily available, so it's easy to take them for granted. And of course, the only reason we have books and knowledge and guidance right there at our fingertips is — you guessed it — libraries.
54 years of space exploration: an updated map that you must see
54 years of space exploration: an updated map that you must see
Address : <http://cosmicdiary.org/fmarchis/2014/05/19/54_years_of_exploration/>
Address : <http://cosmicdiary.org/fmarchis/2014/05/19/54_years_of_exploration/>
martes, 10 de mayo de 2016
Programa social de biblioteca ambulante: Biblioburro
El proyecto social Biblioburro, iniciado por el Prof. Luis Soriano a finales de los 90s en la comunidad indígena arhuaca, en la región de Nabusímake de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta en el Departamento del Magdalena, al norte de Colombia, tiene por objetivo llevar libros a los niños de diferentes escuelas utilizando burros para transportar y promover los 5000 ejemplares que compone el proyecto. Gracias a la difusión de un cortometraje "Biblioburro" realizado en 2007 por Carlos Rendón Zipagauta sobre el programa, en 2009, se completó la construcción de una biblioteca para este proyecto en la comunidad de La Gloria, que sirve aproximadamente a 250 niños. El mismo realizador completó el largo metraje en 2012. El Prof. Soriano continúa realizando rondas semanales a las comunidades de la región.
Video: Biblioburro: The Donkey Library
Fotos: http://elbiblioburro.blogspot.mx/
Community Hero Luis Soriano Bohorquez by Ryan
narrated by Susan Gabriel
Luis Soriano
email: eldoctosoriano@hotmail.com . Facebook: Biblioburro
Aquí algunas imágenes y enlaces. email: eldoctosoriano@hotmail.com . Facebook: Biblioburro
Video: Biblioburro: The Donkey Library
Fotos: http://elbiblioburro.blogspot.mx/
Community Hero Luis Soriano Bohorquez by Ryan
narrated by Susan Gabriel
by Jeanette Winter
Rate: 4.01 / 5 · 635 Ratings · 135 Reviews
Hardcover, 32 pages
Published June 8th 2010 by Beach Lane Books
Luis loves to read, but soon his house in Colombia is so full of books there's barely room for the family. What to do? Then he comes up with the perfect solution--a traveling library! He buys two donkeys--Alfa and Beto--and travels with them throughout the land, bringing books and reading to the children in faraway villages. Beautiful!
Complete with an author's note about the real man on whom this story is based.
Complete with an author's note about the real man on whom this story is based.
Aunque existe una versión en español se recomienda la versión en inglés.
Monica Brown
Rate: 4/5 · 22 Reviews
Tricycle Press, 2011 - Juvenile Fiction - 32 pages
Ana loves stories. She often makes them up to help her little brother fall asleep. But in her small village there are only a few books and she has read them all. One morning, Ana wakes up to the clip-clop of hooves, and there before her, is the most wonderful sight: a traveling library resting on the backs of two burrosall the books a little girl could dream of, with enough stories to encourage her to create one of her own. Inspired by the heroic efforts of real-life librarian Luis Soriano, award-winning picture book creators Monica Brown and John Parra introduce readers to the mobile library that journeys over mountains and through valleys to bring literacy and culture to rural Colombia, and to the children who wait for the BiblioBurro. A portion of the proceeds from sales of this book support Luis Soriano's BiblioBurro program.
Buzz Aldrin el segundo hombre en pisar la Luna
Buzz Aldrin was 39 years old at the time of the Apollo 11 lunar landing. And yet somehow, his life has gotten bigger since then.
10 compañías hacen la mayor parte de la comida que compramos en las tiendas
These 10 companies make a lot of the food we buy. Here’s how we made them better
y Anna Kramer,
Geology Lectures en la red
Geology 655 Isotope Geochemistry
Geochemistry-related WWW links
Geological Sciences 455 Geochemistry
por W. M. White, Cornell University
EAS 355 - Mineralogy (Mineral Chemistry and Physics) -Fall 2003
EAS 6410 - Analysis of Biogeochemical Systems
EAS 3030 - Biogeochemistry
EAS 356: Petrology and Geochemistry
GS 437 Geophysical Field Methods
Geochemistry-related WWW links
Geological Sciences 455 Geochemistry
por W. M. White, Cornell University
EAS 355 - Mineralogy (Mineral Chemistry and Physics) -Fall 2003
EAS 6410 - Analysis of Biogeochemical Systems
EAS 3030 - Biogeochemistry
EAS 356: Petrology and Geochemistry
GS 437 Geophysical Field Methods
Sci-Hub is facing millions of dollars in damages in a lawsuit filed
by Elsevier, one of the largest academic publishers. As a result of the
legal battle the site just lost one of its latest domain names.
However, the site has no intentions of backing down, and will continue
its fight to keep access to scientific knowledge free and open. Several
'backup' domain names are still in play, including Sci-Hub.bz and
In addition to the alternative domain names users can access the site directly through the IP-address:
Its TOR domain is also still working:http://scihub22266oqcxt.onion/.
Authorized or not, there is definitely plenty of interest in Sci-Hub's service. The site currently hosts more than 51 million academic papers and receives millions of visitors per month. Many visits come from countries where access to academic journals is limited, such as Iran, Russia or China. But even in countries where access is more common, many researchers visit the site, an analysis from Science magazine revealed last week. Late last month we learned that plenty of people were downloading academic papers from Sci-Hub. Over the 6 months leading up to March, Sci-Hub had served over 28 million documents, with Iran, China, India, Russia, and the United States being the leading requesters.
In addition to the alternative domain names users can access the site directly through the IP-address:
Its TOR domain is also still working:http://scihub22266oqcxt.onion/.
Authorized or not, there is definitely plenty of interest in Sci-Hub's service. The site currently hosts more than 51 million academic papers and receives millions of visitors per month. Many visits come from countries where access to academic journals is limited, such as Iran, Russia or China. But even in countries where access is more common, many researchers visit the site, an analysis from Science magazine revealed last week. Late last month we learned that plenty of people were downloading academic papers from Sci-Hub. Over the 6 months leading up to March, Sci-Hub had served over 28 million documents, with Iran, China, India, Russia, and the United States being the leading requesters.
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